Apoyo, intercambio de estrategias de afrontamiento, y la información práctica para los familiares y amigos de personas con alguna enfermedad mental. Cada tercer martes de 6 a 7:30 pm ET. Los subtítulos están disponibles. This group is held in English and Spanish. Este grupo …
Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-friends-tickets-1095277647929?aff=oddtdtcreator Do you have a family member or friend dealing with a mental health challenge? During this 90-minute seminar, you’ll learn how to best support them… And yourself. It’s a chance to meet other people in the same …
This group is only open to graduates of our Family-to-Family class. Click here to learn more about the class and how to get on the waitlist! Graduates will receive information for the support group via email.
Español De Persona a Persona El español entre pares es una clase gratuita de 8 semanas para adultos con enfermedades mentales que buscan comprender mejor su condición y emprender el camino hacia la recuperación. Esta sesión es para (e impartida …
A virtual support group for teens ages 14-18 living with mental health challenges, facilitated by near peers. This group is a safe space to develop coping skills, share common experiences, build self-advocacy skills, and connect with others who truly understand. …