Taking care of someone with a mental health issue can be isolating and overwhelming. We can connect you with free, one-on-one support from one family member to another, by telephone. Our three-month program matches you with someone whose family member has a similar relationship and diagnosis. Our mentors have “been there,” where you are, and are ready to provide emotional support.
Over the course of 3 months, our Mentor will call you to:
“My mentor is awesome. When I needed the strength to get through the next 5 minutes, she would listen and say, ‘Yes, that sucks.’ She didn’t try to solve, or to minimize. She listened, and she talked about similar experiences, and how she got through them. There was nothing I could say that she hadn’t seen, done, or been through before…there was a lot of comfort in that.” — Karen, parent
Are you a parent, sibling, partner, spouse, or daughter or son of someone with a mental illness? Use your valuable lived experience to support another family member.
A Family Match Mentor provides one-to-one support over the phone for 3 months. You are paired with someone in the same relationship, loving someone with similar symptoms or diagnoses.
Through your good instincts and training in active listening, you’ll help other family members:
You know the demands of loving someone struggling with mental health challenges and you know the power of support. You can provide validation and connection in the most meaningful way – because you’ve been there.
Note: We are currently looking for:
Please contact Juen Romanoff at volunteers@naminyc.org – with “Family Mentor” in the subject line – for this application, or with any questions about being a mentor.