Cindy Helen Brea is excited to join NAMI-NYC and work with the community to take advantage of the opportunities that the current climate presents to destigmatize mental health issues and care, especially in communities of color. Cindy is Head of Client Engagement at Lafayette Square, an impact investing private credit firm. Prior to joining LS, Cindy was Head of Pensions East Aladdin Client Engagement at BlackRock where she led a team responsible for driving and building client relationships for BlackRock Solutions’ enterprise investment system, Aladdin. She is a finance professional with nearly 20 years of experience at major finance firms such as Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse. She has served financial institutions, providing both asset and liability side solutions through structured note ideas, financing and derivative transactions. Cindy graduated from Harvard Business School after spending two years in management consulting with Deloitte. She is a Robert Toigo Foundation alumna. She received her undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Columbia University in New York. She hails from and lives in Brooklyn, NY by way of the Dominican Republic, and is a founding board member of America Needs You, herself a first-generation college student. She is a wife and a mother to three children.