This is a peer support group for people who identify as Black and are living with mental illness or any mental health challenge. 2nd & 4th Friday, 6pm to 7:30pm ET. To join with video, click here . To join …
Apoyo, intercambio de estrategias de afrontamiento, y la información práctica para los familiares y amigos de personas con alguna enfermedad mental. Cada tercer martes de 6 a 7:30 pm ET. Los subtítulos están disponibles. This group is held in English and Spanish. Este grupo …
Register Here: Do you have a family member or friend dealing with a mental health challenge? During this 90-minute seminar, you’ll learn how to best support them… And yourself. It’s a chance to meet other people in the same …
307 W. 38th St. 8th flr, New York, NY, United States
This group is only open to graduates of our Family-to-Family class. Click here to learn more about the class and how to get on the waitlist! Graduates will receive information for the support group via email.
A virtual support group for teens ages 14-18 living with mental health challenges, facilitated by near peers. This group is a safe space to develop coping skills, share common experiences, build self-advocacy skills, and connect with others who truly understand. …
This group is for any adult living with addiction and mental health challenges. 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 2:30-4pm ET. To join with video, click here. To join by phone, dial 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 881 3332 9670, We invite …
Join NAMI-NYC and Zero Overdose virtually on Wednesday, February 26 from 6-7:30 P.M. for a presentation on overdose prevention and safety planning. This event will empower family members, community members, and healthcare professionals with tools to recognize overdose and aid …
This group is only open to graduates of our Peer-to-Peer class. Click here to learn more about the class and how to get on the waitlist! Graduates will receive login information via email.
This group is only open to graduates of our Peer-to-Peer class. Click here to learn more about the class and how to get on the waitlist! Graduates will receive login information via email.
For siblings or adult children of individuals with mental illness. 4th Thursday, 6pm to 7:30pm ET. To join with video, click here - To join by phone, dial 646-558-8656, enter Meeting ID: 637 167 413, Password: 304764 We invite …
307 W. 38th St. 8th flr, New York, NY, United States
Basics is a free, 6-week class for parents and caregivers of children and teens ages 17 and younger who are looking to better understand their child or teen with mental health issues. The course is taught by a trained team …
Español De Persona a Persona El español entre pares es una clase gratuita de 8 semanas para adultos con enfermedades mentales que buscan comprender mejor su condición y emprender el camino hacia la recuperación. Esta sesión es para (e impartida …