For family members and friends of someone with a mood disorder, including: major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, cyclothymia, and SAD (seasonal affective disorder). 3rd Monday, 8-9:30pm ET. Get support, share coping strategies and information, and find community. Closed captioning is available.
We invite you to join us five minutes before the group starts. Everyone who arrives by 8:05pm will be admitted into the meeting. After 8:05pm, you may not be admitted based on group capacity. No one will be admitted after 8:30pm.
Illness under mood disorders include: major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder (mania – euphoric, hyperactive, over inflated ego, unrealistic optimism), persistent depressive disorder (long lasting low grade depression), cyclothymia (a mild form of bipolar disorder), and SAD (seasonal affective disorder). (From
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