Postvention as Prevention: Supporting Suicide Loss Survivors Saves Lives
Wednesday, Sept 18 from 6-7:30 PM (virtual)
Postvention as Prevention: Supporting Suicide Loss Survivors Saves Lives
Losing someone to suicide can be a devastating and isolating experience. We know that suicide bereavement is different than other types of grief; in this presentation we’ll look at what makes it such a unique experience and how can we better support suicide loss survivors, as well as ourselves, after suicide? We’ll discuss the lasting impact of suicide on our community and review where and how to find resources for ongoing support as we move forward together.
Spanish and ASL interpretation available.
About Our Speaker:
Shannon Donnick is the founder and CEO of Pillar, a volunteer-driven organization which provides peer support after suicide. Shannon has been working in suicide postvention since 2011, combining her personal experiences with that of crisis response training and group facilitation. She is passionate about elevating the voices of suicide loss and suicide attempt survivors as well as amplifying available community supports and resources for those grieving, struggling and recovering.
Additionally, Shannon is a member of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s (SPRC) Lived Experience Advisory Committee, a diverse group of suicide prevention leaders and advocates who have been personally impacted by suicide.
You are not alone! Among its 40 support and social groups, NAMI-NYC offers Living with Thoughts of Suicide and Family & Friends of People Living with Thoughts of Suicide. We also offer our Suicide Loss Survivors support group. You can call, chat, or email our Helpline to find a program that’s right for you or a loved one: 212-684-3264 or visit