Thank you for supporting our mission at NAMI-NYC! Your donation allows us to provide free mental health programs to families and individuals affected by mental health challenges. This includes you or anyone else you know who may be struggling. You are not alone. Make a donation now.
Set up a recurring donation weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Your steady, continued support keeps our free classes, support groups, Helpline, family mentoring, and other programs available to anyone who needs them. Make a donation now.
Check with your employer or use this helpful matching gifts search tool to see if they will match your donation to NAMI-NYC. It is an easy way to double or even triple the impact of your gift!
Our Healing Hope Circle is a small, special group of NAMI-NYC’s most generous supporters. By making a transformational gift through the society, you are showing your commitment to providing all New Yorkers with free mental health programs and services. Members receive exclusive invitations to NAMI-NYC events, quarterly updates on our work, and more. Explore the levels and benefits of our Healing Hope Circle. To learn more, contact our Development Director Kate Steele at
The stock market may go up and down, but that doesn’t change NAMI-NYC’s unwavering commitment to serving New Yorkers with mental illness and their families. Making a gift of appreciated stock by electronic transfer is a wonderful way to support NAMI-NYC and to avoid the capital gains tax.
You can donate stock directly through the Giving Block tool below or here. To ensure timely and accurate acknowledgment, please email our Development Director Kate Steele at with the following information:
Make a donation from your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) below or here. It’s simple, flexible, tax efficient and a way to build your family’s legacy.
Donating cryptocurrency is one of the most tax-efficient ways to support NAMI-NYC. Because it is a non-taxable event, you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. You can donate cryptocurrency directly to NAMI-NYC through our Giving Block tool below or here.