With Leah Harris from Zero Overdose, we will give a presentation on overdose prevention and safety planning. This event will empower family members, community members, and healthcare professionals with tools to recognize overdose and aid in prevention. Register for the event here.
Stacy Finkbeiner, the U.S. Medical Director at Teva Pharmaceuticals gave an informative presentation on tardive dyskinesia (TD). She taught causes and symptoms of tardive dyskinesia, how treatable TD symptoms can impact quality of life and community-based programs and resources for people living with schizophrenia and their family members.
With panelists from NAMI-NYC, The Trevor Project, and Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, we discussed mental health barriers teens in NYC are facing. We gave tools to caregivers on how to best support their teens. Watch the recording of this presentation here.
During our In Our Own Voice (IOOV) Spring Showcase, NAMI-NYC community members shared their personal story of mental health challenges and their road to recovery. Watch a selection of stories on our YouTube channel.
With Emotions Matter, we offered a psychoeducational presentation and foundational understanding of BPD. Following this, panelists who live with BPD or have a family member with the disorder, shared their personal experiences on the road to recovery.
Johnny’s Ambassadors Youth THC Prevention educates parents, teens, and communities about the dangers of today’s potent THC products (marijuana, dabs, vapes, edibles) on adolescent brain development, addiction, and mental illness. If you’re concerned about your child’s THC use, visit https://JohnnysAmbassadors.org.
We discussed available effective treatments for schizophrenia, particularly clozapine, how to advocate for greater clozapine use within the mental healthcare system, and more. Watch Now, Véalo en Español
The interactions between food, feelings, physical health, and mental health are complex and multifaceted, and only beginning to be understood. Food is a basic need and as such brings up visceral emotions for many people. Watch Now, Watch Now in ASL
Many of us have devoted our lives to the shared goal of reducing the loss of our community members and loved ones to suicide. We have felt grief when protocols designed to predict, diagnose or control behavior have continually failed. Watch Now, Véalo en Español, Watch Now in ASL
Everyone plays a role in reducing the number of suicides to zero. This session promoted the ability of non-clinical personnel to identify people at risk for death by suicide and respond appropriately by helping them get needed services. Watch Now, Watch Now in ASL
Researchers and clinicians have long recognized the effects of intergenerational trauma – trauma that gets passed down from those who directly experience an incident to the next generations. Watch Now, Watch Now in ASL
Everyone experiencing a mental health, substance use, or suicide crisis deserves an appropriate response. Until this point, crisis calls for help have been met with inappropriate responses in our city. Watch Now, Véalo en Español, Watch Now in ASL
Losing a loved one to suicide is devastating. On top of this, many loss survivors feel unable to discuss or be open about their experiences, leading to isolation and shame. But it doesn’t need to be this way. Watch Now, Watch Now in ASL
Traumatic events can underpin many kinds of mental health issues. Exploring, naming, and finding healing from trauma are crucial parts of mental health treatment for many people. Watch Now, Watch Now in ASL