307 W. 38th St. 8th flr
New York ,
United States
Where poets gather to share stories, tips, and techniques. 4th Tuesday, 6 to 7:30pm ET. A place to learn and experiment while encouraging others to keep reading and keep writing. We invite participants to arrive at 5:30pm for welcome and …
Do you like hearing a good book? We will take turns reading a book together. 1st Saturday, 5pm to 6:30pm ET. Closed captioning is available. To join with video, click here - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89272019416?pwd=bTBGNGdBSURtTVkrc3piaXdkRFJFdz09. To join by phone, dial 646-558-8656, enter Meeting …
The Creative Writing Group is a fun and safe environment where aspiring authors come together to share, critique, and improve their work. Every Monday, 6:30 to 8:00pm ET. The group explores all forms of written expression, including short stories, script …
307 W. 38th St. 8th flr
New York ,
United States
This group is for knitters, crocheters and other fiber artists to work together, chat and share their projects. Bring your works in progress. Basic materials and instruction are also available. No experience necessary. 1st Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 8 PM ET. …
307 W. 38th St. 8th flr
New York ,
United States
Peer support and therapeutic interaction with trained pet therapy dogs. 1st Thursday, 12:00 - 1:00 PM ET. Join us in person at our office. 307 West 38th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018 Come 30 minutes early to chat with …
Come as you are. Leave feeling more relaxed. 2nd Saturday, 2:30pm to 3:30pm ET. For anyone who wants to bring their shoulders down below their ears. Closed captioning is available. To join with video, click here - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81107235538?pwd=NnlsSWptRkE5TXZSdWhzNlhERTQzZz09. To join …
Join us for the Music Group! 2nd Saturday, 4pm to 5:30pm ET. If you have an instrument to play, bring it. And if you like to sing along, that's great too! Open to family members and adults living with mental …
Walking and running has significant benefits for your physical and mental health. Get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and build community with NAMI-NYC! We’re looking for diverse members and run leaders. People of all ages and paces, including walking, will …
The Creative Writing Group is a fun and safe environment where aspiring authors come together to share, critique, and improve their work. Every Monday, 6:30 to 8:00pm ET. The group explores all forms of written expression, including short stories, script …
This is a a peer group for people who find healing through writing. 4th Saturday, 3:30pm to 5pm ET. To join with video, click here. To join by phone, dial 646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 881 9700 0666, Password: 219951 We invite …
Peer support using humor—no experience necessary. 4th Saturday, 5:30 to 6:30pm ET. Become more emotionally flexible and resilient. Heal your mind, emotions, and body with laughter and joy. A good sense of humor prevents hardening of your attitude. Closed captioning …
The Creative Writing Group is a fun and safe environment where aspiring authors come together to share, critique, and improve their work. Every Monday, 6:30 to 8:00pm ET. The group explores all forms of written expression, including short stories, script …
307 W. 38th St. 8th flr
New York ,
United States
Where poets gather to share stories, tips, and techniques. 4th Tuesday, 6 to 7:30pm ET. A place to learn and experiment while encouraging others to keep reading and keep writing. We invite participants to arrive at 5:30pm for welcome and …
The Creative Writing Group is a fun and safe environment where aspiring authors come together to share, critique, and improve their work. Every Monday, 6:30 to 8:00pm ET. The group explores all forms of written expression, including short stories, script …
307 W. 38th St. 8th flr
New York ,
United States
This group is for knitters, crocheters and other fiber artists to work together, chat and share their projects. Bring your works in progress. Basic materials and instruction are also available. No experience necessary. 1st Wednesday, 6:30 PM – 8 PM ET. …
Do you like hearing a good book? We will take turns reading a book together. 1st Saturday, 5pm to 6:30pm ET. Closed captioning is available. To join with video, click here - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89272019416?pwd=bTBGNGdBSURtTVkrc3piaXdkRFJFdz09. To join by phone, dial 646-558-8656, enter Meeting …